[aha] Fluxus Amusements
t_bazz a ecn.org
Gio 25 Mar 2010 14:13:57 CET
Una mostra in Texas che mi piacerebbe proprio vedere (ricevuta la news
dal Gruppo Sinestetico)
Fort Worth, Texas (Usa)
April 1, 2010
Fluxus Amusements
The Fluxmuseum will be organizing an exhibition for exhibit during 2010.
This exhibition will focus on fun and games. Works including art,
objects, boxes, instructions, performances, scores, ect. are sought that
deal with any issue related to fun and games, tricks and puzzles,
amusements and diversions.
Subjects might include: any sort of crazy game, trick, magic tricks,
strange things to amuse one's self with, disfuntional diversions,
perplexing puzzles, etc.
Items become a part of the permanent collection of Fluxmuseum.
A full color catalog will be available when completed.
countries represented in this exhibition:
USA, Spain, Ukraine, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Denmark, Hungary,
Australia & Brazil
Gruppo Sinestetico is present :
see works coming in for show
6955 Pinon Street
Fort Worth, Texas 76116
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