[aha] Fwd: KAFCA - Knowledge Against Financial Capitalism
dedalus a autistici.org
dedalus a autistici.org
Lun 3 Ott 2011 09:41:25 CEST
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: KAFCA - Knowledge Against Financial Capitalism
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2011 17:14:51 +0000 (GMT)
From: "KAFCA Newsletter" <no-reply at kafca.eu>
To: dedalus at autistici.org
http://kafca.eu [1]
(Knowledge against financial capitalism)
Conference organized by
In collaboration with MACBA (Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Barcelona)
the first three days of December 2011
The coming months will be a defining moment of the change in social
political and cultural scenario, following the ongoing collapse of the
financial dictatorship in Europe, and preparing a new social solidarity
and consciousness of general intellect and of revolting precarious
SCEPSI is a proliferating cell for knowledge production, independent
from economic domination.
Website: http://kafca.eu [2]
Facbeook page: http://www.facebook.com/Kafca [3]
(Knowledge against financial capitalism)
Conferenza organizzata da
In collaborazione con il MACBA (Museo di Arte Contemporaneo di
i primi tre giorni di Dicembre 2011
Sarà l’occasione per fare un bilancio dei prossimi tre mesi che in
ogni caso segneranno un momento decisivo di mutamento dello scenario
sociale, politico culturale, e che nei nostri auspici segneranno lo
sprofondamento definitivo della dittatura finanziaria in Europa e
l’emergere di una nuova composizione solidale e consapevole
dell’intelletto collettivo e del lavoro precario in rivolta.
SCEPSI è nucleo in proliferazione di conoscenza autonoma dal dominio
Website: http://kafca.eu [4]
Facbeook page: http://www.facebook.com/Kafca [5]
David Graeber: Debt, 2011
Christian Marazzi: _Language and Capital_, Semiotexte
Franco Berardi Bifo: _After the future_, AKPress
Paul Jorion: _Le capitalisme à l’agonie_ Fayard, 2011
“La solution, en réalité, n’existe pas. Pourquoi? En raison de
l’existence d’un cercle vicieux: parce que le remboursement de la
dette réclame un relèvement des impots qui reduit le pouvoir
d’achat, entrainant une baisse de la consommation, d’où un
fléchissement de la croissance qui oblige à une relance nécessitant
une augmentation de la dette. Le secteur bancaire s’est écroulé,
l’Etat s’est porté à son secours et est tombé à sa suite. La
banque à alors grimpé sur les epaules de l’Etat, ce qui lui a permis
de sortir du trou. L’Etat, lui, y est resté. En désespoir de cause,
les Etats se tournèrent vers le citoyen ordinaire en tant que
contribuable et en tant que futur retraité: On annonça l’austerité
qu’on appela aussi rigueur, comme si les mesures qui seraient prises
résultaient d’un imperatif moral.” (Paul Jorion: Le capitalisme à
l’agonie, Fayard, 2011).
“The financialization of capital has lead to a situation where
something like 97-98% of the money in the total “economy” of wealthy
countries like the US or UK is debt. That is to say, it is money whose
value rests not on something that actually exists in the present
(bauxite, sculptures, peaches, software…), but something that might
exist at some point in the future. “Abstract” money is not an idea,
it’s a promise—a promise of something concrete that will exist at
some time in the future, future profits extracted from future
future labor of miners, artists, fruit-pickers, web designers, not yet
born. At the point where the imaginary future economy is 50-100 times
larger than the current “real” one, something has got to give. But
the bursting of bubbles often leaves no future to imagine at all,
of catastrophe, because the creation of bubbles is made possible by the
destruction of any ability to imagine alternative futures. It’s only
once one cannot imagine that we are moving towards any sort of new
future society, that the world can and will never be fundamentally
different, that there’s nothing left to imagine but more and more
future money.”
(David Graeber: DEBT)
“In the next months we'll need curators for the European insurrection.
We have not to provoke the insurrection, as the insurrection is being
provoked by the European Central Bank and by the cowardice and
of the political leading class of European countries. We have to
introduce in the unavoidable insurrection the potency of collective
intelligence, and to link the general intellect with the desire of
sociality. The general intellect is looking for the erotic and social
body that it has lost in the process of virtualization. Similarly the
precarious life is looking for collective intelligence that is
fragmented and dispersed.”
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[5] https://www.facebook.com/Kafca
[6] http://kafca.eu/newsletter/confirm/remove/64882a6811691t12
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