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Lun 19 Set 2011 20:01:18 CEST

Cc          : 
Date      : Wed, 12 Oct 2011 11:50:12 +0200
Subject : Re: [aha] Networked Disruption (T_Bazz PhD Abstract)

> Hai ragione, e fai bene, a riflettere sulla coesistenza delle opposizio=
ni! Ma non =E8 anche un po' deludente che, comunque la mettiamo, non si r=
iesca a uscire dall'avanguardia?... possibile che il massimo dell'intelli=
genza, del mondo e delle cose, che riusciamo ad esercitare, sia ripercorr=
ere sentieri interrotti?
> Il discorso =E8 generale, naturalmente, non =E8 n=E9 vuole essere in al=
cun modo critica al tuo lavoro, che anzi stimo moltissimo. Per=F2 mi rest=
a il tarlo di questo non uscire dalla dialettica... Forse il mio =E8 un p=
roblema etico, pi=F9 che estetico... Non farci caso... :-)
> lv
> Il giorno 12/ott/2011, alle ore 10.05, T_Bazz ha scritto:
> > Cara Luisa,
> > 
> > come sempre hai colto nel segno: mi piace molto l'avanguardia e' mort=
a! viva l'avanguardia!
> > ...e riflette il pensiero della coesistenza di opposizioni su cui sto=
 riflettendo :)
> > 
> > T_Bazz
> > 
> > On 10/7/11 5:29 PM, Luisa Valeriani wrote:
> >> Cara Tat
> >> anzitutto grazie per l'abstract e complimenti per la tesi di dottora=
to. I temi che affronti sono quelli di cui tante volte ci hai parlato, e =
dunque sono cose che maneggi con disinvoltura, avendoci riflettuto a lung=
o. Personalmente sai che sono molto interessata a questo discorso della c=
ommistione e ibridazione, anzi credo che hacking significhi proprio quest=
o: non una posizione pura e oppositiva esterna, ma una viralit=E0 interna=
. Del resto le avanguardie storiche ce lo hanno insegnato molto molto tem=
po fa. Dunque, dopo gli auguri e le felicitazioni, l'unico commento che p=
osso fare =E8 : l'avanguardia =E8 morta, viva l'avanguardia. Ed =E8 detto=
 senza ironia, credimi. Ma con un po' di delusione, s=EC.
> >> Un abbraccio
> >> lv
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Il giorno 07/ott/2011, alle ore 16.50, T_Bazz ha scritto:
> >> 
> >>> Ciao!
> >>> 
> >>> vi invio l'abstract della mia PhD dissertation che ho consegnato a =
fine agosto presso il Dipartimento di Information and Media Studies, Aarh=
us University. Se tutto e' confermato la "difesa" sara' il 5 dicembre ad =
Aarhus University (Danimarca).
> >>> 
> >>> Saluti da Berlin,
> >>> T_Bazz
> >>> -------------------------------------------------------------------=
> >>> 
> >>> PhD Dissertation Abstract:
> >>> 
> >>> Networked Disruption
> >>> Rethinking Oppositions in Art, Hacktivism and the Business of Socia=
l Networking
> >>> by Tatiana Bazzichelli
> >>> 
> >>> Objective:
> >>> The objective of this research is to rethink the meaning of critica=
l and oppositional practices in art, hacktivism and the business of socia=
l networking. The aim is to analyse hacker and artistic practices through=
 business instead of in opposition to it. By identifying the emerging con=
tradictions within the current economical and political framework of Web =
2.0, my aim is to reflect on the status of activist and hacker practices =
as well as those of artists in the new generation of social media (or so =
called Web 2.0 technologies), analysing the interferences between network=
ing participation and disruptive business innovation.
> >>> 
> >>> Hypothesis:
> >>> My hypothesis is that mutual interferences between art, hacktivism =
and the business of social networking have changed the meaning and contex=
ts of political and technological criticism. Hackers and artists have bee=
n active agents in business innovation, while at the same time also under=
mining business. After the emergence of Web 2.0, the critical framework o=
f art and hacktivism has shifted from developing strategies of opposition=
 to embarking on the art of disruption. Artists and hackers use disruptiv=
e techniques of networking within the framework of social media, opening =
up a critical perspective towards business to generate unpredictable feed=
back and unexpected reactions; business enterprises apply disruption as a=
 form of innovation to create new markets and network values, which are o=
ften just as unpredictable. Disruption becomes a two-way strategy in netw=
orking contexts, a practice to generate criticism, and a methodology to c=
reate business innovation.
> >>> 
> >>> Theoretical Background:
> >>> Adopting Fred Turner=B4s perspective of investigating the interfere=
nces between business and radical culture through coexisting layers inste=
ad of progressive cooptation, I developed the concept of the Art of Disru=
ptive Business as a possible model for deconstructing business logic thro=
ugh the act of experiencing it from within. The concept of disrupting bus=
iness in social media sheds light on the practices of artists, activists =
and hackers who are rethinking critical interventions in the field of art=
 and technology by deciding to act inside the market scenario. Drawing on=
 Walter Benjamin=B4s notion of the dialectical image, I propose to adopt =
a dialectic approach in which the oppositions coexist. Bypassing the clas=
sic power/contra-power dichotomy, the dialectical opposition between busi=
ness and its undermining therefore shifts into a synergetic tension where=
 one is part of the other, and they mutually contribute to each other=B4s=
 formation. Conscious that nowadays contradictions
> > and dichotomies are an inherent part of business logic, the challenge=
 lies in the exploration of symbolic dissolutions of powers, where hacker=
s and artists directly engage in such contradictions and provoke unexpect=
ed consequences, which can be seen as an art form. Building on the analys=
is of non-hegemonic practices and the logic of affinity by Richard J. F. =
Day, I propose an analysis of practices that challenge the notion of powe=
r and hegemony, and the battle for dominance, generating distributed, dec=
entralised and fluid networking practices which act through the bugs inhe=
rent in economical systems.
> >>> 
> >>> Methodology:
> >>> The method is based on the reformulation of a research approach whi=
ch functions within the subject of research, rather than on the subject o=
f research. Adopting the montage method derived from Benjamin=B4s writing=
 style of Denkbilder (thought-images), decentralised and plural viewpoint=
s become part of theory and practice. The result is a methodological cons=
tellation of networking practices, which I define as ethnography of netwo=
rks, which aims to actualise - and to question - the notion of "fieldwork=
" itself. The theoretical viewpoint of this research is closely connected=
 with the act of being a direct part of the research subject, creating a =
mutual exchange with the actors of the analysis through conversations and=
 interviews as well as participating in some of the projects described he=
re. To investigate the progressive commercialisation of sharing and netwo=
rking platforms, it is necessary to understand business culture from with=
in. My research develops through the analysis 
> > of different conceptual nodes of a network, connecting together disru=
ptive practices of networked art and hacking in the framework of a networ=
k economy. To sort through the various effects of networking art and hack=
ing in the business of social media, I examine their development and infl=
uence on a cross-national scale. Case studies cross space and time: hacke=
rs, activists and artists in California (especially those in the Bay Area=
) are closely connected to those in Europe.
> >>> 
> >>> Case Studies:
> >>> The case studies analysed in this research are those based on the c=
oncept of disruption rather than opposition. Artists and hackers adopt vi=
ral and flexible strategies, as does contemporary networking business by =
provoking contradictions, paradoxes and incongruities. I investigate two =
different but related critical scenes: the art and technological context =
in California and the European contexts of net culture, which generate a =
constellation of projects created by hackers, artists, networkers and ent=
repreneurs acting at the boundary between art, business and social networ=
king. This perspective binds together different models of disruption in b=
usiness contexts of social media and artistic practices focused on networ=
king, thereby adopting a disruptive critical dimension. In particular, I =
analyse: the genesis and the creation of several grassroots networks appl=
ying methodologies of disruption (e.g. mail art, Neoism, The Church of th=
e SubGenius, Luther Blissett, Anonymous); th
> > e development of underground artistic and hacker practices in Califor=
nia and its synergies with the business of social networking (e.g. The Su=
icide Club, The Cacophony Society, Burning Man Festival, NoiseBridge, Kin=; projects highlighting the paradoxes and limits of social media (e=
.g. Anna Adamolo, Seppukoo by Les Liens Invisibles and Face to Facebook b=
y Paolo Cirio and Alessandro Ludovico) and decentralised techniques of ne=
tworking based on peer production and the distribution of productive asse=
ts (Venture communism by Dmytri Kleiner and the Telekommunisten collectiv=
> >>> 
> >>> Conclusions:
> >>> What were once marginal practices of networking in underground hack=
er and artistic contexts have in recent years become a core business for =
many Web 2.0 companies. The increasing commercialisation of sharing and n=
etworking contexts is transforming the meaning of art as well as that of =
business. Artistic practices develop beyond the realms of artistic instit=
utions and some of them are transforming the meaning of business. If busi=
ness is adopting hacker and artistic strategies of disruption, what is th=
e answer of artists and hackers working within a critical networking dime=
> >>> Distributed, autonomous and decentralised networking practices of d=
isruption. become a means for rethinking oppositional hacktivist and arti=
stic strategies within the framework of art and business.
> >>> 
> >>> Department of Information and Media Studies, Aarhus University, 201=
> >>> 
> >>> Supervisor: S=F8ren Pold, Associate Professor
> >>> Department of Information and Media Studies, Aarhus University.
> >>> 
> >>> Co-supervisor: Fred Turner, Associate Professor
> >>> Communication Department, Stanford University, California.
> >>> 
> >>>
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