[aha] IOCOSE (2012) - A Crowded Apocalypse
paolo - IOCOSE
contact a iocose.org
Ven 29 Giu 2012 08:02:17 CEST
Buongiorno lista,
scriviamo per annunciarvi il nostro ultimo lavoro, 'A Crowded Apocalypse'.
In questo progetto abbiamo utilizzato il crowdsourcing per generare delle
teorie cospirazioniste. Il lavoro e' online ed e' visibile a
Sul sito potete ripercorrere la genesi delle teorie ed il loro sviluppo,
che ha portato nella sua ultima a fase al crowdsourcing di 'proteste'
globali contro le teorie generate dallo stesso crowd.
Abbiamo avuto modo recentemente di discutere di alcuni dei concetti legati
al nostro lavoro con Marc Garrett, in questa intervista
Speriamo sia di vostro interesse, un saluto
A Crowded Apocalypse
Link (pictures and information):
*In the Atlantean period there were many energies being used and
information and knowledge being used which were, for particular reasons of
safety, withdrawn, shall we say, to prevent complete catastrophe, to
prevent total destruction of your planet *
- David Icke, conspiracy theorist
Conspiracy theories are, by their definition, neither ultimately refutable
or acceptable. In order to hold true, they rely on the acceptance that the
full evidence is not reachable. They are based on a shared belief: the idea
that each one of us is an unaware piece in a mysterious master plan.
Crowdsourcing, instead, makes this more transparent. Each user contributes
to the creation of something which is bigger than the sum of each singular
production. The final plan remains unknown, but it is actively produced by
a large crowd.
IOCOSE has been drawing on crowdsourcing to hijack the collective
imagination. From January until June 2012, the "crowd" has been assembling
its own conspiracies and protested against their protagonists and effects.
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