[aha] Fwd: DEEP CABLES: Uncovering the Wiring of the World, 17-18 Giugno, Berlino

Luisa Valeriani lvaleriani a fastwebnet.it
Gio 16 Giu 2016 15:58:40 CEST

> Cara Tatiana
> grazie per i link che ci hai inviato. Ho guardato qualche video e ho letto i panels di domani e dopodomani. Mi sembrano davvero toccare punti importanti, come avevo già intuito dalla tua presentazione. Allora aspettiamo i prossimi video, e intanto davvero ancora molte congratulazioni!
> ps. your English is not an oxfordian one, but it is so fluent, extremely fluent, and i’m really jealous of it! :-)
> Good luck, dear!
> luisa
>> Il giorno 16/giu/2016, alle ore 11:39, T_Bazz <t_bazz at ecn.org> ha scritto:
>> Cara Luisa,
>> hai ragione! Sono contenta di leggere un feedback, perche' finora non
>> c'e' stata molta reazione ai post che ho inoltrato nel corso dei mesi
>> scorsi, e quindi ovviamente, senza interazione, la cosa diventa unilaterale.
>> Non sostituira' lo scambio che potremmo avere face to face ma
>> sicuramente puo' essere utile dire che pubblicheremo tutti i video della
>> conferenza nel nostro sito, in cui abbiamo sempre pubblicato tutte le
>> altre conferenze:
>> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxiH37LS3aCEPQlq5Bh4oAQ
>> Ci sara' poi anche molto da dire in futuro.
>> Nel frattempo vi segnalo una bella intervista fatta da Asbesto per Radio
>> Colonia, la radio italiana in Germania:
>> http://www1.wdr.de/radio/funkhauseuropa/programm/sendungen/radio-colonia/zapping/museo-informatica-sicilia-104.html
>> E ovviamente spero che prima o poi qualcuno di voi possa venire anche di
>> persona a trovarci.
>> Cari saluti!
>> Tatiana
>> On 15/06/16 10:03, Luisa Valeriani wrote:
>>> Cara Tat
>>> congratulazioni per la conferenza, che sembra particolarmente interessante. Tanto interessante che sarebbe bello se ci raccontassi un po’ le cose principali emerse, a conferenza finita. Probabilmente pubblicherete anche tutto, ma un breve riassunto di aggiornamento sarebbe davvero gradito… Altrimenti questa diventa solo una vetrina delle cose che si fanno, e non un’occasione per far circolare informazioni scientifiche su cui poi ciascuno, come vuole e quanto può, approfondisce a sua volta. Che ne dici? Dai, sarebbe una bella cosa! In bocca al lupo
>>> lv
>>>> Il giorno 14/giu/2016, alle ore 11:50, T_Bazz <t_bazz at ecn.org> ha scritto:
>>>> Ciao,
>>>> vi scrivo per informarvi della nostra prossima conferenza che si terra'
>>>> il 17+18 Giugno a Berlino. Il tema questa volta e' l'analisi politica e
>>>> tecnologica dell'infrastruttura di rete, dai cavi terrestri in fibre
>>>> ottiche a quelli sottomarini.
>>>> Durante questi due giorni di eventi, ingegneri, giornalisti
>>>> investigativi, scrittori, ricercatori, hacker, artisti e attivisti
>>>> ragioneranno su come Internet funziona davvero, come e' segretamente
>>>> strutturata, e in che modo l'infrastruttura di rete terrestre e
>>>> sottomarina influenza alleanze geopolitiche e la nostra vita culturale e
>>>> quotidiana.
>>>> Cari saluti, e spero a presto!
>>>> T_Bazz
>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> DEEP CABLES: Uncovering the Wiring of the World
>>>> A conference event by Disruption Network Lab.
>>>> Art & Evidence Conference Series 2016.
>>>> Location:  Kunstquartier Bethanien, Studio 1, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997
>>>> Berlin.
>>>> Schedule: June 17th (17.00-21.00); June 18th (16.30-20.30), 2016. In
>>>> English language.
>>>> Admission: 5 Euro.
>>>> Details: http://www.disruptionlab.org/deep-cables
>>>> Eighth event of the Disruption Network Lab, directed by Tatiana
>>>> Bazzichelli. In cooperation with Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien.
>>>> Speakers:
>>>> Henrik Moltke (investigative journalist, DK/USA), Trevor Paglen (artist
>>>> and geographer, USA), Andrew Blum (writer & journalist, USA), Moritz
>>>> Metz (radio journalist, DE), Marc Helmus (network operator and engineer,
>>>> DE), Anne Roth (net activist, senior advisor for the German
>>>> Parliamentary Inquiry on Mass Surveillance for the group Die Linke, DE),
>>>> Anna Biselli (journalist, Netzpolitik.org, DE), Ingrid Burrington
>>>> (artist and researcher, USA), Helga Tawil-Souri (associate professor
>>>> Middle East and Islamic Studies NYU, Palestine/USA), Gabriele "Asbesto"
>>>> Zaverio (sysadmin, co-founder, MusIF, FreakNet MediaLab, IT), Bernd Fix
>>>> (computer security expert, Wau Holland Stiftung, DE), Jacob Lillemose
>>>> (postdoctoral researcher and curator, Copenhagen Center for Disaster
>>>> Research, DK).
>>>> The first event of the "Art & Evidence" series by Disruption Network Lab
>>>> 2016 investigates the cultural, political, geographic and technological
>>>> dimensions of the Internet, tracing fiber-optic land and undersea
>>>> network cables. At the root of the Internet infrastructure lays a very
>>>> material dimension, that influences how the Internet functions, how it
>>>> is organised and controlled, and its geopolitical configuration.
>>>> Recently disclosed N.S.A. (National Security Agency) documents
>>>> demonstrated that telecommunication companies, such as AT&T, have been
>>>> particularly important to N.S.A. allowing the access to billions of
>>>> emails across domestic networks. Large amounts of the world's Internet
>>>> communications travel across American cables, and a broad range of
>>>> classified activities work by installing surveillance equipment on
>>>> Internet hubs. The materiality of the wired network is crucial to
>>>> understand how surveillance works physically, and more in general, how
>>>> the whole Internet infrastructure is conceived.
>>>> In this event, researchers, engineers, investigative journalists,
>>>> hackers, writers, artists and activists, are brought together to unveil
>>>> who runs the Internet and in which way its infrastructure influences our
>>>> political, cultural and everyday life. Starting from this very concrete
>>>> subject, the physicality of the network cables, the event culminates
>>>> with the discussion about digital-divide and breaks of connectivity in
>>>> strategic landing sites, where the discrepancy between poor access to
>>>> bandwidth and high presence of cable infrastructure is caused by
>>>> military, political, and economical reasons.
>>>> Funded by: Der Regierende Bürgermeister von Berlin, Senatskanzlei,
>>>> Kulturelle Angelegenheiten / City Tax.
>>>> In partnership with: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
>>>> In cooperation with Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien.
>>>> In collaboration with: NOME, Wau Holland Stiftung, Copenhagen Center for
>>>> Disaster Research, Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and
>>>> Society (HIIG), and SPEKTRUM.
>>>> Media partners: Furtherfield; ExBerliner.
>>>> More Information:
>>>> Disruption Network Lab: http://www.disruptionlab.org
>>>> Facebook: www.facebook.com/disruptionlab
>>>> Twitter: @disruptberlin
>>>> Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director and Curator)
>>>> tbazz(at)disruptionlab.org
>>>> Claudia Dorfmueller (Administration and Project Manager)
>>>> claudia(at)disruptionlab.org
>>>> Kim Voss (Project Manager and Communication) kim(at)disruptionlab.org
>>>> Tabea Hamperl (Press Manager) tabea(at)disruptionlab.org
>>>> -- 
>>>> Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
>>>> http://disruptionlab.org
>>>> Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
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>> Twitter: @t_bazz
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