Sono d'accordo.<br>Censura in rete ma non solo, visto che come Epto ci ha fatto giustamente vedere al CAmp, i piani di controllo e censura telematica e fisica si intrecciano molto frequentemente..<br>mi associo al tentativo di diffusione,<br>un bacio<br><br>Traum_A.<br>
<blockquote style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;">----- Original Message -----<br>
From: "gadda1944" <gadda1944@libero.it><br>
To: aha <aha@ecn.org><br>
Subject: Re:[aha] Call for support: Pirates of the Amazon,taken down by         Amazon.com<br>
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2008 15:23:39 +0100<br>
Be', lavoro brillante (quello dei due studenti) e notizia grave <br>
(quella del take down ispirato da Amazon: take down efficace, visto <br>
che l'indirizzo www.pirates-of-the-amazon.com mi genera sul browser <br>
un 404, insomma ilo sito è chiuso).<br>
Perché aha non prova a mettere in piedi una specie di centro <br>
informazioni sulla censura in rete? Abbiamo i contributi di Epto, <br>
xD e altri. Il comunicato di jaromil e Cramer merita di essere <br>
diffuso il più possibile. Nel mio piccolo, vedrò cosa fare.<br>
---------- Initial Header -----------<br>
> From : aha-bounces@ecn.org<br>
To : "List on artistic activism and net culture" aha@ecn.org<br>
Cc :<br>
Date : Fri, 05 Dec 2008 14:39:57 +0100<br>
Subject : [aha] Call for support: Pirates of the Amazon, taken down <br>
by Amazon.com<br>
> Di seguito vi riporto la richiesta di supporto per un lavoro<br>
> interessante creato da due ragazzi a Rotterdam che è stato subito<br>
> bloccato da interventi legali.<br>
> Il progetto si chiama Pirates of Amazon<br>
> http://www.pirates-of-the-amazon.com/, si tratta di un Add on di firefox<br>
> che se installato inserisce nelle pagine del sito Amazon un grande<br>
> bottone con la scritta "Download for free". Praticamente se <br>
> cercate di aquistare un film o un dvd il componente in backgroud <br>
> effettua una<br>
> ricerca su The Pirate Bay http://thepiratebay.org/ e restituisce il<br>
> primo link che trova collegandolo al bottone che inserisce da cui potete<br>
> scaricare il file torrent corrispondente. Messo online introno al 30<br>
> Novembre, le reazioni di Amazon non si sono fatte aspettare.<br>
> Di seguito la call per il supporto all'operazione:<br>
> re all,<br>
> (with apologies for crossposting)<br>
> Many spectres might already have read about<br>
> www.pirates-of-the-amazon.com. The website provided a Firefox add-on<br>
> that changed the experience of browsing Amazon.com by putting a slick<br>
> "Download 4 Free" button on top of every product - whether a CD, DVD<br>
> or book - also listed as a bittorrent on The Pirate Bay. Clicking the<br>
> button on the Amazon.com product page for, say, Madonna's latest album<br>
> would yield a background search on The Pirate Bay and start up a<br>
> bittorrent client to download a corresponding torrent.<br>
> After being published this Monday, the project made headline news on<br>
> digg.com<br>
> <http: digg.com="" tech_news="" shop_amazon_for_free_w_firefox_add_on_linking_to_pirate_bay=""><br>
> and has been covered among others by CNET<br>
> <http: www.download.com="" 8301-2007_4-10112541-12.html="">, the Washington<br>
> Post<br>
> <http: www.washingtonpost.com="" wp-dyn="" content="" article="" 2008="" 12="" 04="" ar2008120401751.html=""><br>
> and currently more than 1000 blog entries worldwide.<br>
> Via its provider, the project received a take down request by the<br>
> lawyers of Amazon.com yesterday. In our point of view, the legal<br>
> grounds for that are contestable since the add-on itself did not<br>
> download anything. It only provided a user interface link between the<br>
> web sites Amazon.com and thepiratebay.org. Nevertheless, the creators<br>
> complied to the request, taking both the add-on and original web site<br>
> offline.<br>
> What is perhaps more disturbing however, are the openly hostile and<br>
> aggressive Internet user comments in blogs and on digg.com. Unlike in<br>
> a comparable situation only a couple of years ago, the majority of<br>
> commentators failed to see the highly parodistic and artistic nature<br>
> of "Pirates of the Amazon". The project was created by two students<br>
> at the Media Design M.A. department of the Piet Zwart Institute<br>
> Rotterdam, one of them being a student in the course, the other being<br>
> an exchange student from the New Media programme of Merz Akademie<br>
> Stuttgart. The work was part of a regular trimester project. We -<br>
> jaromil, the project tutor, and Florian Cramer, the head of the course<br>
> - - were the academic supervisors of this work. We supported and<br>
> encouraged it from its early beginnings. What's more, we're proud to<br>
> have such students and such interesting work coming out of our<br>
> teaching.<br>
> Apart from its humorous value and cleverness, the project is<br>
> interesting on many levels and layers: For example, not just as a<br>
> funny artistic hack of Amazon.com and The Pirate Bay, but also as a<br>
> critique of mainstream media consumer culture creating the great<br>
> "content" overlap between the two sites. We clearly see this project<br>
> as a practical media experiment and artistic design investigation into<br>
> the status of media creation, distribution and consumption on the<br>
> Internet.<br>
> With the take down notice from Amazon.com, our students have been<br>
> scared away from pursuing their art, research and learning in our<br>
> institute. We do not want a culture in which students have to<br>
> preemptively censor their study because their work confronts culture<br>
> with controversial and challenging issues.<br>
> We would like to gather statements in support of the "Pirates of the<br>
> Amazon". The students are turning their web sites into a documentation<br>
> of their project and the reactions it triggered. If you would like to<br>
> support them and contribute a short statement, please get in touch<br>
> with us.<br>
> Florian Cramer & jaromil<br>
> --<br>
> [IIIII] lo|bo<br>
> )"""(<br>
> / \<br>
> /`-...-'\<br>
> |asprin |<br>
> _ |`-...-'j _<br>
> \)`-.___.(I) _(/) email: lo_bo [at] ecn [dot ] org<br>
> (I) (/)(I)(\)<br>
> --------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
> _______________________________________________<br>
> AHA mailing list<br>
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> List on artistic activism and net culture<br>
> More info on: http://www.ecn.org/aha<br>
> In support of Anna Adamolo: Education wants to be free!<br>
> http://www.ministeroistruzione.net<br>
AHA mailing list<br>
List on artistic activism and net culture<br>
More info on: http://www.ecn.org/aha<br>
In support of Anna Adamolo: Education wants to be free!<br>
</p><pre>"Quando i morti camminano, signori, bisogna smettere di uccidere. Altrimenti si perde la guerra."
George A. Romero - Zombi (Dawn of the Dead)
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