(tra poche ore andiamo a Monaco a Consciousness Reframed. Oltre a presentare le robe di FakePress faremo un piccolo esperimento: Conference BioFeedback, una guerra contro le conferenze noiose/insignificanti e la comunicazione monodirezionale, a suon di scosse elettriche... mi sa proprio che lo indosserò anche a AHAcktitude :) )<br>
<br>Cia'!<br>xDxD<br><br>----------------------<br><br><a href="http://www.artisopensource.net/2009/11/18/conference-biofeedback-consciousness-reframed-x/">http://www.artisopensource.net/2009/11/18/conference-biofeedback-consciousness-reframed-x/</a><br>
<br><p>Art is Open Source is going at Consciousness Reframed X conference
organized by the Planetary Collegium in November 2009 at the Macromedia
University of Applied Sciences in Munich. We’ll be there from November
19th to 21st.</p>
<p>We will present the Ubiquitous Anthropology project with FakePress.
We will also present and use our little new project: Conference