[aha] How Open Source Is Disrupting Visual Art

Simona Lodi simona.lodi a toshare.it
Ven 6 Apr 2012 16:33:51 CEST

> Cara Lista, ecco un argomento che , benchè trattato ampiamente, in 
> questo articolo ha dei risvolti interessanti in termini di dibattito:
> che ne  pensate?
> " If you've seen an unbelievable interactive projection or a 
> mind-blowing piece of generative video art, odds are you've come 
> across openFrameworks <http://www.openframeworks.cc/>, an accessible 
> programming platform that has helped create projects like Arturo 
> Castro <http://arturocastro.net/> and Kyle McDonald's 
> <http://kylemcdonald.net/> /Faces/ 
> <http://thecreatorsproject.com/blog/real-time-face-substitution-lets-you-be-someone-else>, 
> a real-time face-substitution project, the EyeWriter 
> <http://www.thecreatorsproject.com/blog/igetting-up-the-tempt-one-storyi-is-a-new-doc-about-the-eyewriter> 
> graffiti headset from F.A.T. Labs <http://www.fffff.at/>, and Chris 
> O'Shea's playful, Monty Python-inspired /Hand from Above/ 
> <http://www.chrisoshea.org/hand-from-above>, among many other works of 
> technology-based art. What makes openFrameworks and similar coding 
> tools like Processing <http://processing.org/> so powerful in an 
> artistic context is that they are open source, free for any artist to 
> use and hack to their own ends, and are made by artists, for 
> artists......"
> http://www.thecreatorsproject.com/blog/how-open-source-is-disrupting-visual-art
> simona


Simona Lodi
art director
Share Festival 8th ed.
art in digital culture
7/11 November 2012
Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali
Torino - IT
SMIR Sant'Evasio
Multimedia Center
European Project Alcotra
Mondovi - Embrun
The Sharing
Via Rossini 3 - 10124 Torino (IT)
phone: 0039.011.588.36.93
skype: simona.share.festival

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